New Week- Stay Strong

This weekend I attended a baby shower. A shower for a mother who is already doing everything on her own. As sad as that sounds, in today’s world, that’s very common. And I’m not saying dad’s are never around and women have to do it all alone. Because sometimes it’s the opposite; some women don’t want to be mothers when the baby is finally here. Anyway, as I watched her glow in her happiness, I realized that even though it’s hard as a single parent, it seems like it’s double the reward and happiness. As a single parent, you get double the love, double the attention, and double the strength. Sure, there are going to be times you wish you had someone to help you, someone to take turns with changing the dirty diapers, and the crying; But, at the end of the day, as you sit there and reflect how much love and happiness being a parent brings you, you’re going to thank that other person for not being around. This chapter in your life has brought you more strength, more happiness, more wisdom, and more love. So to those who are struggling, or those who know someone who is struggling with being a single parent, rub some dirt in it, chin up, stay strong, and cherish the moments… because this is the greatest gift you’ll ever receive.

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