Workin’ hard

Hey ya’ll, sorry for the late post. Busy, busy bee trying to stay on top of it all. On that note, I’d like to take a second to talk about keeping busy. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to work with an amazing company; however, it took a lot of work. It’s sad that everything is based on technology, and “sending in a resume” just doesn’t do us justice. Our work experience on a piece of paper doesn’t show who we really are, and it’s sad. It’s sad that everything is based on technology and that we don’t get to express ourselves and our ability to companies- because everything is over the Internet. It’s a tough world, but we all need to keep pushing and keep fighting. The harder life is, the stronger we become. Don’t ever give up, and don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re not good enough. You know your worth, so prove that you’re all you can be and that you can survive and conquer.


Goes to show you how caught up we get on life- I totally forgot today was Thursday. Jesus, time flies. Going on that note of forgetting what day of the week it is, let’s take a sec to talk about stress and the struggle. I was just talking, yesterday, about how difficult it is to survive in the world today. Why is it so freaking complicated to get an education and make a living at the same time? Why don’t schools and jobs compromise with each other. Like, it’s not our fault we’re wanted by everyone- joking. But am I, really? For example, I recently got a new job (yay, congrats me, right?) and when telling my professor that I’m going to need to take a week off from classes to go through training, my professor told me I should think about dropping the class if I don’t have time.. Well, when am I ever going to have time? That’s the problem with today’s world. Obviously we need to work to make a living for ourselves, but we also want a better education for our future selves. But it’s never simple. We, as students and adults, are juggling between work and school and no one seems to appreciate it. Times are different, it’s not as easy as it once was. Or, here’s a different perspective, not everyone’s parents said, “hey, you don’t worry about money and having a job, we’ll take care of that. You just go to school.” Like HELLO, some of us have to bust our @$$**. This is just a reminder to people who are struggling with these two, work and school, that you’re not alone. There are plenty of us out there, and as one of these people let me just say to those in the same boat: I appreciate you, and your struggle.

New Week- Change

So much is happening at one time. Everything is going by too fast and you’re frustrated because there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t stop time and you can’t go back in time and change things. Well, that’s life. You get so caught up in your life and the people surrounding you that you forget you’re even working. Yeah, working. Life is like a real job. Always doing something to benefit you and your family/future family. It’s just all so crazy. Did you think as a little kid this is what your life would be like at your age? Cause I sure as hell didn’t. But you know what? It’s a good thing. I think the struggles, adventures, and lessons learned are what make us into who we wanted to be as we get older. Now, maybe some of you right now aren’t where you want to be. But, this is your test. To see how much you can handle. And after the storm, comes the calm. So have patience, have faith, and have fun. Life truly works in mysterious ways- And I’m not a religious person, but I believe that God has a plan for all of us. So let’s take it day by day, work hard for what we want, and be ready for change.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s not about how much you do, but about how good you do it. Because the people who will make it, will be the people who give it their all- not the ones that half ass their way through life. And another thing… There’s no such thing as stress. YOU are your own stress. So stop being so hard on yourself. Do what you love and kick ass.

New Week- Keep it Movin’

Life is too beautiful to sit and dwell about mistakes we’ve made. Sure, they weren’t smart, but they happened. What are you going to do? You can’t go back in time and change what happened, but you can learn from it and move forward. No one is perfect, and honestly, thank God for that. How boring would life be if there were perfect people? It’s crazy to say, but it’s the mistakes we make and the experiences we encounter that make it life. Bad relationships, bad friendships, bad choices in our careers- these are all things that are going to shape us to who we want to be. So, when you’ve put yourself (yes, you did it to yourself) in a sh*tty situation, don’t think so negative about it. Because this might be something that was meant to happen, and something better is going to come of it. Be optimistic, live in the now, and appreciate the things you have and not the things you’ve lost.

What’s a weekend?

Just because it’s Friday, and it’s the end of the week, doesn’t mean your grind has to stop there with it. You can keep pushing yourself no matter what day of the week it is.

For a person who really wants to succeed, they bust their ass; there is no such thing as a “weekend.” Work is every day. Working in your sleep. Working while you shower. Working while you drive. Working doesn’t mean you have to physically be doing something; if your mind is running, and you have ideas building, you’re working- the grind doesn’t stop.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be that person who dreads waking up in the morning because they know that means it’s time to go to “work.” I want “work” to be something that I love, because I’m my own boss. Therefore, I’m going to keep pushing myself, even if I’m exhausted from working 12 days in a row. I’m not stopping, and neither should you.

Be somebody in the world today for yourself and for your family, or future family.