New Week- Succeed

There are all kinds of different people in this world. There’s good people, and bad people. Happy people and sad people. Rich people and poor people. People who want change in their life and people who don’t. Who do you want to be? Do you want to be better for yourself and your family? Then stick up for yourself. Be happy for you. Be bold for you. Work hard for you. There are going to be people who ruin your day, but the only way they’ll ruin it and bring you down is if you let them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, life is what you make of it. Here’s your chance, it’s a new week. New week meaning fresh. Set a goal for yourself this week, to be happy for 7 days straight. And remember that goal when people are putting you down. Remember that you deserve to be happy and you deserve to reach your goals. Strive…. And succeed. Succeed for the people who said you never would.